Sunday 13 June 2010

Have your say on plans for Chipping Sodbury

South Gloucestershire Council are hosting a number of public events around the local area for residents to find out more about future plans for the local area, including the prospect of new homes and a new Waitrose supermarket on the site of Barnhill Quarry.

Tuesday, 29th June, 2010 - 3.00 to 7.00 pm
Old Grammar School, Chipping Sodbury
A full list of events can be found here

South Gloucestershire Council have a dedicated Core Strategy consultation website for 'Planning for Future Development'.


  1. I support the Waitrose development because we DO need a decent supermarket in this town. Instead of doing our main shops in Yate or more likely further afield, we will be able to do them in Chipping Sodbury instead. As a working household we only get chance to visit the High Street on Saturdays - when we make a point of supporting independent traders e.g. cafe and some fruit and veg. as a top up. We'd still do that even if Waitrose was here. The current (undeveloped) situation hasn't stopped local retailers shutting e.g. Caswells, Storm, Khameleon etc. I believe Waitrose will actually draw customers to this area. Also,if we have to have more houses, this is good land to use rather than green fields.

  2. We already have Tesco and Morrisons. I'm also concerned that our high street traders will just close their businesses and give up
